加入下載影片的功能 @ 2013/1/7
第一種是給整個url的..用 Nico.req('http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19186604')
第二種是只給影片的ID Nico.reqSM('sm19154040')
新增Nico.DLVideo( 'http://xxx' ),主要是下載影片 XD
加入下載影片的功能 @ 2013/1/7
第一種是給整個url的..用 Nico.req('http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19186604')
第二種是只給影片的ID Nico.reqSM('sm19154040')
新增Nico.DLVideo( 'http://xxx' ),主要是下載影片 XD
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, sys import urllib, urllib2, cookielib from datetime import * import time """ Get nico video's link. Save cookie in a file, for repeating request API server. """ class Nico: def __init__(self, settings={}, cookieFile='nico_cookies.lwp'): self.cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() # cookie self.sm = 0 # video ID self.ck_file = cookieFile # cookie file self.header = {'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'} # header if settings: self.login_data = settings # account / pw else: self.login_data = { 'mail' : 'your_account', 'password' : 'your_password', } self.flapi_info = {} self.post_url = 'https://secure.nicovideo.jp/secure/login?site=niconico' # login page url self.api_url = 'http://flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getflv?v={0}' # api url self.thumb_url = 'http://ext.nicovideo.jp/api/getthumbinfo/{0}' # thumb url self.page_url = '' # video page url self.video_url = '' # video real link self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cj)) self.domain = '.autocookie.tt.vv' # define a doamin self.cookie_expires = 60*60*24*30 # save cookie in a month urllib2.install_opener(self.opener) ## if cookie file exist, load it if os.path.isfile(self.ck_file): self.cj.load(self.ck_file) if self.validate()==False: ## after load cookie file, validate it. self.get_cookie() ## invalid, get a new cookie. else: ## try to get a new cookie self.get_cookie() """ if cookie files exists, validate cookies first! @return : bool """ def validate(self): try: _user = self.get_value('user', self.domain) if len(_user)==1 and _user[0]==self.login_data['mail']: return True else: ## custom cookie value not found / account not match, maybe changed. return False except Exception, e: print e return False """ Dump cookie's data. """ def pr_cookie(self): for index, cookie in enumerate(self.cj): print index, ' : ', cookie print '%s --> %s' % (cookie.name, cookie.value) for d in self.cj._cookies: print d """ Get a cookie from nico. """ def get_cookie(self): self.cj.clear() post = urllib.urlencode(self.login_data) req = urllib2.Request(self.post_url, post, self.header) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) if resp.headers['x-niconico-authflag']=='1': print '== get cookie from NICO success ==' self.add_custom_cookie("user", self.login_data['mail']) # add a custom cookie self.cj.save(self.ck_file) elif resp.headers['x-niconico-authflag']=='0': print '== Error: Failed getting cookie. Check ID/PW is correct ==' self.cj.save(self.ck_file) sys.exit() else: print '== Error: cookie format error. ==' sys.exit() """ get value from cookies. @name : index @domain : if domain not set, it will find all cookies without domain @return : a list """ def get_value(self, name, domain=''): ret = [] a = 0 if domain=='': for c in self.cj: if c.name == name: ret.append(c.value) else: if len(self.cj._cookies[domain]).__class__ == a.__class__: if self.cj._cookies[domain]["/"][name].name == name: ret.append(self.cj._cookies[domain]["/"][name].value) else: pass return ret """ add a custom datas into cookie, for validate user account @name : @value : """ def add_custom_cookie(self, name, value): _expires = int(time.time()) + self.cookie_expires self.cj.set_cookie( cookielib.Cookie( version=0, name=name, value=value, port=None, port_specified=False, domain=self.domain, domain_specified=True, domain_initial_dot=False, path="/", path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=_expires, discard=False, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={} ) ) """ Start request / find the nico video original link. @param : post data @url : the nico video's URL """ def req(self, url='', param={}): try: self.sm = url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] # get ID return self.reqSM(self.sm, param) except Exception, e: print '== Error: cannot parse video ID in link ==' sys.exit() """ If already have video ID, than get video link by ID. @param : post data @sm : video ID @retry : if failed, retry again. """ def reqSM(self, sm='0', param={}, retry=True): try: self.sm = sm self.page_url = "http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/{0}".format(self.sm) url = self.api_url.format(self.sm) post = urllib.urlencode(param) resp = self.opener.open(url, post) data = resp.read() for i in data.split('&'): x = i.split('=') self.flapi_info[x[0]] = x[1] if 'url' in self.flapi_info: self.video_url = self.flapi_info['url'] else: if retry: self.get_cookie() # get a newer cookie self.video_url = self.reqSM(self.sm, param, False) # req once again else: self.video_url = '' self.video_url = urllib2.unquote(self.video_url.encode("utf8")) return self.video_url except Exception, e: print '== Error: cannot reverse the video url ==' """ Download video. Before doing download, make sure "req()" or "reqSM()" first! """ def DLVideo(self, url=''): if url=='': print "Video URL is empty!" return False if self.page_url=='': print "Video page link not set. Please run req()/reqSM() first." return False try: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as Soup except: print "'BeautifulSoup' libary not found." return False # get thumb info resp = self.opener.open(self.thumb_url.format(self.sm)) data = resp.read() soup = Soup(data) file_ext = soup.find('movie_type').text # open original page first self.opener.open(self.page_url) file_name = "{0}.{1}".format(self.sm, file_ext) u = urllib2.urlopen(url) f = open(file_name, 'wb') meta = u.info() file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) print("Downloading: {0} Bytes: {1}".format(url, file_size)) file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 1024 while True: buffer = u.read(block_sz) if not buffer: break file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) p = float(file_size_dl) / file_size status = r"{0} [{1:.2%}]".format(file_size_dl, p) status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)) sys.stdout.write(status) f.close() print "Complete! --> {0}".format(file_name) return True """ usage: python nicoDLM.py sm123456 sm345678 ..... """ if __name__ == "__main__": cookie_path = 'nico_cookies.lwp' # cookie's location myset = { 'mail' : '', 'password': '' } #nico = Nico(cookieFile=cookie_path, settings=myset) #print nico.req('http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19186604') #print nico.reqSM('sm19154040') #nico.DLVideo( nico.reqSM('sm18684948') ) num = len(sys.argv) if num==1: print "no input for download" else: nico = Nico(cookieFile=cookie_path, settings=myset) for i in xrange(1, num): nico.DLVideo( nico.reqSM(sys.argv[i]) )